If you are planning on going on holiday to a malaria hotspot here are ten reasons why you should make sure that you take the appropriate medication before you go on your travels.
Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease that is spread by female mosquitoes who are infected by a parasite called Plasmodium.
Malaria is spread at night time when the mosquito feeds on its human victim, causing the parasite to enter the bloodstream. Often mosquitoes are compared to vampires because of these nocturnal attacks.
Malaria occurs in 100 countries with a hot and tropical climate. The USA eliminated malaria 1951 but still have cases caused by people who have returned to the country infected by the disease.
Malaria kills nearly 600,000 people a year. Children are affected the most.
In 1943 Disney commissioned a film called, ‘The Winged Scourge’, which enlisted the help of the Seven Dwarves to help to warn people of the danger of malaria,
The Centre of Disease Control and Prevention was created to control the spread of malaria. The CDC has since produced guidelines on how to survive a Zombie Apocalypse.
Eight presidents, four Popes and many film stars have suffered or died from Malaria.
Malaria can be passed through blood transfusions, sharing needles and pregnancy.
Malaria symptoms can range from being very mild to deadly. It can take 24 hours from the onset of symptoms to die. It can take between 9 - 40 days for the symptoms to appear.
Scientists are constantly working on ways to prevent malaria and are in the process of producing a vaccine.
Malaria can be a fatal illness and advances in treatment and prevention medication have resulted in a reduced mortality rate. Don’t ruin your holiday because you didn’t take malaria medication before you leave.