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5 Product Ranges to Help With Christmas Overindulging

5 Product Ranges to Help With Christmas Overindulging

Dec 07, 2022 Vitamins and Supplements


This year you won’t eat too much, you’ll not have more than one glass of wine, the Christmas chocolates will absolutely stay in the cupboard until Christmas and you will politely but firmly decline the second piece of Aunty's famous Christmas cake. Or at least, that’s the plan.


If you manage to stick to that plan well done. We don’t think many in the SimplyMeds Online team will, which means we’ll be turning to these five product ranges to help with Christmas overindulging too!


Thank Goodness for Phizz


Phizz (no, not more fizz) can be an incredibly helpful remedy to have to hand when you’ve overindulged, after a heavy night out on the town, or before and after a sporting event to help you stay in peak condition.

These easy to take Phizz effervescent tablets dissolve easily in a glass or bottle (300ml) of water and come in a tasty orange flavour as well as apple and blackcurrant.

As well as tasting great, Phizz is vegan and easy to throw in your bag or desk drawer. 


O.R.S Range - Boosting Hydration & Missing Minerals 


One of the things that makes you feel the worst at this time of year is dehydration. Drinking extra water is a great idea but sometimes a little extra help is required. This is where the O.R.S range comes in.

Perfect for aiding rehydration, these tasty tablets dissolve in water and replace lost glucose, electrolytes and essential minerals. As well as being handy for the morning after, this product can help during the cold and flu season and can be used by children and adults.


Guardium - 24 Hour Acid Reflux Support


Acid reflux when you’ve eaten too much or eaten richer or sweeter foods that you are used to is not uncommon. Guardiam tablets are a little life saver when it comes to this time of year as these Esomeprazole-containing tablets offer symptom relief for up to twenty-four hours. Even better, they can be used alongside Gaviscon Advance for fast short term as well as longer term relief.


If acid reflux is something you suffer with frequently, and not just over Christmas, this blog post might be useful.


Milkaid - When Dairy is Not Your Friend this Christmas 


Christmas chocolates, milk in your mash, cream in or on pretty much everything. If you don’t deal well with milk or rather the lactose within it, Milkaid might be a great product to have at hand. Milkaid is actually a food supplement and it works by breaking down the lactose during digestion, eliminating or lessening the symptoms that those who are lactose intolerant might suffer from. These easy to take tablets are great to have with you on the go, especially during the busy festive season.


Diarrhoea Due to Overindulging


One of the more common and least welcome side effects of eating and drinking too much or trying foods that don’t agree with your system is diarrhoea. A pain in the bum (excuse the pun) for the sufferer, it’s also not something you want to deal with at work or when staying with others over the Christmas period. Here at SimplyMeds Online we have a range of diarrhoea remedies many are thankful to have at hand when they are needed.


It Doesn’t Take Much When You Have a Digestive Condition


Going a little overboard with the sherry or having an extra helping for gateaux isn’t a major issue for everyone but anyone with a digestive or similar issue, the festive season can be hard to navigate. Those with IBS, for example, often have to be very careful what they eat. That’s not easy when you’re eating away from home. Diarrheoa and constipation as well as painful bloating are not uncommon so make sure you have remedies to hand, and perhaps consider something more targeted at whatever condition you deal with, such as IBS relief.


Pain Relief When You Need It


Whether it’s the over-eating, the overwhelming noise, the late nights or the fact that Nan insists on singing Christmas songs at full volume, headaches are not uncommon at Christmas. It pays to watch out for headache triggers where possible and stay hydrated but if all else fails, we have some handy headache relief products you can keep in your pocket.


In Conclusion


The Christmas period is known to be a time that goes hand in hand with overindulging. Too much food, too much drink, too much sugar, noise, heat and not enough sleep are all the best and (usually the next day) the worst parts of Christmas. This year make sure you have what you need to combat overindulging, and maybe say no to that third serving of pudding.

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