Last month Boris announced the all awaited path to lockdown freedom. This was welcomed by the whole of the country as it marked an important time where we could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. This article will look at the ease of restrictions which are due to follow and the timeline in which they are to occur as long as COVID numbers continue to fall.
Step 1
8th March
Schools reopen to all children and allow face to face teaching.
Social contact allowed outside for recreation and exercise with their household or support bubble or one person outside of their household.
Care home residents allowed one regular visitor
29th March
Outdoor gatherings of 6 people (Rule of 6) or 2 households can take place, including in private gardens.
Outdoor sports facilities to open, people allowed to take part in formally organised outdoor sports
Step 2
12th April
Opening of nonessential retail including hairdressers, nail salons, public libraries and community centres. Gyms will also re-open. Zoo’s, theme parks and drive in cinemas to open.
Hospitality places can serve people outdoors, no need to substantial meal with an alcoholic drink and no curfew.
Funerals will continue to allow 30 people, whereas weddings, receptions and commemorative events limited to 15 people.
Step 3
17th May
Most legal restrictions on meeting people outdoors lifted but gatherings over 30 people are illegal. Rule of 6 or 2 households still apply.
Cinemas and children’s play areas to open up, including Hotels, Hostels and B&Bs.
30 people can attend weddings, receptions, wakes and funerals and other significant life events
Step 4
21st June
If all goes to plan then there are to be no more legal limits on social contact by this date.
It must be stressed that the above series of events will only follow if there are a significant drop in cases and deaths alike. The vaccination programme has helped immensely and as of writing over 25,000,000 doses have been administered. We must all make an active effort to follow the rules put in place for this last hurdle, we have come so far and now there is light at the end of the tunnel.
In order to ensure that you are getting all of your pharmacy needs we offer a huge range of pharmacy only medicines which can be delivered the same day if you live in the London area and also parts of Essex. We also offer an NHS prescription service, so you really do not need to leave the house in order to get all your medicines. Stay home and let us get your medicines delivered.
If you are interested in our NHS services please check out more information HERE.