There are apps for everything these days, whether you want to count your steps, relax or budget you can find an application to suit you. If you add up all of the apps available from; Google Play, Apple, Windows Store, Amazon and Blackberry World together you get a grand total of 6,503,500 apps (Source: Business of Apps). Stop smoking apps are also available for you to download and use every day. The great thing about mobile phone apps is that we can access them all of the time and benefit from their accessibility.Choosing the best app to stop smoking can take time and is very much dependant on your own individual needs. Reviews are very useful to provide user insight into how effective the app is in real life.
Free Stop Smoking Apps
NHS Smoke Free - Described as a 4 week stop smoking programme providing, ‘practical support, encouragement and tailored advice’. (Google Play). It calculates how much money you have saved, motivation and cravings. A badge is awarded every time you achieve a goal. It has a rating of 3.4 and 193 star reviews. You can download the app from either Google Play or Itunes. Here is a link to the NHS page to download it.Smoke Free - Stop Smoking - This app has over 15,000 five star reviews and provides a holistic approach to quitting smoking. It tells you how much money you have saved weekly and annually. You can find how much of your life you have preserved by giving up and how your body and breathing are reacting to not having a cocktail of toxins. There are questions to answer at every stage and reviewers refer to the app as having a, ‘shoulder to lean on’. The app can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store. Here is a link to download it.Quit Now - This is where an app and social media combine to provide a peer support based stop smoking programme. As well as the usual money saving, life increasing and motivational support users can chat and champion each other's’ efforts. It has a rating of 4.3 and nearly 2,000 five star ratings. You can download it from Google Play. Here is a link to the app.Stop Smoking - Easy Quit Free - Again another popular app that has bright graphical representations of everything you are achieving. There is also a memory game for you to do every time you have the urge to light up. You can choose to stop smoking slowly if going cold turkey doesn’t suit you. The app has a rating of 4.8 and has over 12,000 five star reviews. Click here for a link to the app.
A Little Extra Help
If going cold turkey and using apps alone isn’t helping you to stop smoking there are treatments available. Champix is a well-known treatment programme that helps you to quit by replacing the effects of nicotine. You can begin with a starter pack and further packs depending on how long you need to quit.